I’d like you to answer two questions. How much time do you spend bickering at work, either face-to-face with colleagues
I’d like you to answer two questions. How much time do you spend bickering at work, either face-to-face with colleagues
Yvonne has a remarkable ability to provide insight to understand both sides of a conflict, while helping you reframe your argument carefully to both de-escalate and articulate an effective representation of your view to obtain the best results.
Rather than using the “give them a taste of their own medicine’ approach in a conflict, she raises the bar, discusses both sides and helps you present your best, convincing argument so that you can still feel good about yourself while also presenting effective discussion to achieve the best results.
I would highly recommend Reframe – How to Reframe your Conversations to resolve messy conflicts to anyone who wants to improve their work or home relationships.