
Resolve All Those Messy Conflicts

Resolve All Those Messy Conflicts!

It’s been a labour of love, and I am delighted to announce that I am about to launch my first book. REFRAME: How To Change Your Conversations To Resolve Those Messy Conflicts is coming out June 8!

I’ve written this book to be the complete blueprint to better communication skills. I’m sharing everything I’ve learned from 20 years of teaching, consulting and coaching women in business leadership, confidence, communication and managing conflict.

In REFRAME, you’ll learn simple yet powerful tools that will help you connect better with others, so that you can grow your career and live an easier, happier life. Trust me: things get so much better when you know how to stay calm and interact harmoniously with everyone in your life.

Over the years, I’ve learned that knowing how to communicate and relate with people is undoubtedly the most important skill-set you need to develop if you want to advance in your career. That’s why I’m excited to finally be sharing some actionable strategies that everyone can use to avoid triggers, stay calm in the face of adversity, resolve conflicts, stay in control and boost their confidence.

Reframe Book Jacket

Get your copy of REFRAME on June 8!

I really want my book to help people ‘on the ground,’ and so I’ve written it to be an interactive learning experience. It’s filled with exercises and quizzes, and I’m your friendly guide to it all, helping you gain the courage and poise you’ve always wanted. 

Wouldn’t it be great if you could leave work at the end of the day feeling like you were a contributing member of the team?

What would it feel like if you worked with people who were kind and respectful to each other? Doesn’t that sound lovely?

Well, it is completely possible. I mean it!

But to create this reality for yourself, you need to learn how to have difficult conversations. I’m not talking about destructive conversations, which are toxic and painful. I’m talking about having the know-how to lead a conversation with someone, which allows you to have a win-win outcome.

Doesn’t that sound amazing?

I promise you, it’s possible for you! And that’s exactly what I’ll show you in REFRAME.

While I wrote REFRAME with women in the workplace in mind, I know it will be an excellent choice for just about anyone. Consider this book your Personal Communication and Conflict Resolution Tool Kit. It will show you how to be an authority on building relationships—even with people who are difficult to get along with. Yes, even with the team jerk.

REFRAME will also teach you all about conflict: what causes it and how to mitigate it. You’ll learn the necessary skills to improve your emotional intelligence so you can navigate relationships. You’ll also learn about different communication styles, including how to deal with passive-aggressive and aggressive (angry) people.

And by the end, you’ll know how to recognize your own triggers and keep yourself calm during conflict. And you’ll know what words to say (and not say) during a conflict.

Seriously, learning these tools will be priceless and truly transformative.

And to ‘sweeten the pot,’ I’m also including some extra bonuses. Everyone who purchases REFRAME will get three bonus gifts:

  1. A Free 30-Minute Consultation with me – let’s figure out what’s keeping you ‘stuck’ and how to move forward!
  2. My Latest Webinar: Take Your Power Back
  3. Life & Strengths Chart (you’ll love it!)

And everyone who purchases on LAUNCH DAY, JUNE 8, will receive an added bonus: 20% off your first personal coaching session with me!

Remember, I regularly coach women one-on-one, working on their confidence along with their leadership, communication and conflict resolution skills. I’m so looking forward to working with you, whether that’s virtually or in person near my home in Abbotsford, BC.

And I promise: you will feel like the queen of communication and conflict when you are done reading REFRAME.

How do I know this? I’ve spent the past 20 years training women just like you on how to be effective leaders, with kick-butt conflict management and communication skills.

I know how important it is to maintain relationships in the workplace, and how crucial they are for putting you in a role that will get you promoted.

I wrote this book for YOU because I wanted to help you grow your career. I can’t wait for you to read it.

To learn more about REFRAME and sign up so you don’t miss launch day, please see here!


What my clients say

Yvonne has a remarkable ability to provide insight to understand both sides of a conflict, while helping you reframe your argument carefully to both de-escalate and articulate an effective representation of your view to obtain the best results.

Rather than using the “give them a taste of their own medicine’ approach in a conflict, she raises the bar, discusses both sides and helps you present your best, convincing argument so that you can still feel good about yourself while also presenting effective discussion to achieve the best results.

I would highly recommend Reframe – How to Reframe your Conversations to resolve messy conflicts to anyone who wants to improve their work or home relationships.

Patricia RossGroYourBiz, Fraser Valley chair, and Abbotsford City Councillor
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